Quilt Show & Craft Fair

Save the Date! October 26, 2024, 10am-4pm at Holy Redeemer Auditorium in Kensington, MD!

The Bethesda Quilters are hosting a Quilt & Craft Fair. Find handmade holiday gifts and decor for every occasion, plus fabric, quilt patterns, sewing books, and cookbooks.

Our members have handcrafted truly exquisite items for decorating and home use. Don’t miss it!

Opportunity Quilt

Guild members make a collaborative quilt which is raffled at the end of the show. Raffle tickets are sold throughout the year and during the two-day show.

Raffle Baskets

Several baskets are filled with incredible quilt-related items. These baskets are raffled at different times during both days of the show.


The boutique displays member-made items for sale to benefit the guild. The boutique coordinator may suggest items to be made for the show.

Member Quilt Displays

Quilts made by our members are proudly displayed during this event. At our last show, guild members exhibited over 100 quilts and quilt-related items to the delight of visitors.

Fabric Challenge

A select piece of fabric is distributed to guild members, who are challenged to make something with it. These creations are proudly displayed at the show.

White Elephant

Part of our show area is dedicated to selling materials, yarn, books, and other needleart-related items. Visitors to the show have an opportunity to add to their own treasures.